Biodanza workshop at Kaï Papaï (oct. 2019)

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Biodanza is a unique opportunity let go of everyday pressure, let your body express your inner feelings and connect better with yourself, others and life itself! With the support of the biodanza group, let movement help you and the other participants bloom like butterflies emerging from their cocoons.

For more info about biodanza, see Wikipedia’s article here or watch this video from the US School of Biodanza.
Kaï Papaï’s team is happy to be able to bring this fantastic tool of life to St Lucia and make it available to the community. Let’s use it to help build bridges between different languages, cultures, generations and social backgrounds.

The biodanza workshop will be preceded by a one hour yoga session led by a certified yoga instructor from India, a great way to start this journey.
With this open biodanza session, we hope to help foster more unity in the community while forging links outside of the island. To see what a local newspaper says about us, click here.