Parental Consent – Immigration Form

To whom it may concern
I , The undersigned, Mr./Ms. ____________ (Last Name), ______________(First Name), born on _________________(DD/MM/YYYY) at__________ (place and country of birth), Passport Number __________, delivered on _______ (DD/MM/YYYY) at __________ (place and country), valid until on _______ (DD/MM/YYYY) , hereby authorize my son/daughter Mr./Ms. ____________ (Last Name), ______________(First Name), born on _________________(DD/MM/YYYY) at__________ (place and country of birth), Passport Number __________, delivered on _______ (DD/MM/YYYY) at __________ (place and country), on _______ (DD/MM/YYYY) , living at _________________ ___________________(Full Address, City, Country), to travel to Saint-Lucia on _______ (DD/MM/YYYY) , with _________________(Airline and Flight number or boat name), leaving ____________ (departure city) at _____________ (departure time) and arriving in Saint Lucia at _____________ (arrival time) to stay at Kaï Papaï, in Balenbouche Development, Choiseul, Saint Lucia until his/her return to _____________ (arrival country) with _________________(Airline and Flight number or boat name), leaving Castries at _____________ (departure time) and arriving in __________ (arrival city) at _____________ (arrival time).
I herewith attach a copy of my ID and of my son’s/daughter’s ID.
In case of problem, feel free to reach me at any time at ________________ (phone number) or __________________ (email).

First Name and Last Name (in PRINT): ________________________________________________
Done this __________ (DD/MM/YYYY) at _________________
Signature: _____________