Free Activities

If you live in the area of Choiseul, Laborie or Vieux-Fort, this is for you !

Come spend a few days or a few hours in Kaï Papaï’s enchanting setting and enjoy the variety of activities we offer during our week-long specials. All that is required is some free time, good will and cheer !

You or your children have extra free time this summer and would be interested in discovering new cultures? Come over to Kaï Papaï to meet French-speaking foreigners of various age ranges and participate in a mind-opening exchange over sports activities, games and more fun. You might even keep in touch with them and establish a pen pal relationship !

This summer, overseas visitors will be attending our language and wellness seminars. Whether you’d like to join our language classes for a fun English and French refresher or keep your body and mind in shape with our yoga, gym and meditation sessions, come to Kaï Papaï and you’ll be sure to make the most of your summer. Here are some of the bilingual activities we’ll be offering at Kaï Papaï in French and English this summer, from 25 June to 15 July:

Bilingual discussions : listen to stories or watch news and movie excerpts in English and French and discuss them with a group to better your comprehension and expression skills

Vocabulary and grammar : brush up on your English or improve your French with a playful approach in our bilingual setting

Sketches : writing and acting out scenarios to practice vocabulary and grammar

Tongue twisters : improve your diction and speed-up your elocution

Cooking : rediscover our local ingredients by exchanging and innovating recipes

Beach games : football, beach volley, sand sculptures, swimming and general frolicking around

Circus fun : learn to juggle or spin plates

Dance sessions : get up and just move your body, let the music guide you to a happier place!

Hiking: rediscovering the South’s picturesque paths

Yoga, gym and meditation : classes with a certified yoga teacher adapted to each and everyone’s capabilities and goals

If you would like to participate, please fill in the form and specify which activities you’d be interested in.

No fee required. A small compensation would be appreciated. Bring your lunch if staying for the day

See you soon !

Registration form