
One of our main goals is to organize playful and productive interactions between people of all paths of life, no matter their age, color, religion or gender and what better way to do that than by organizing a variety activities where you’ll most likely find your fit. Explore our list below and feel free to leave us feedback and ideas in our forum!


The spring fell from the rock


The spring fell from the rock
Drop by drop into the awful sea.
The Ocean, fatal to the ferryman,
Said to it : What do you want, cry baby?

I am the tempest and the terror;
I finish where the sky begins,
Do I need you,
Tiny,I who am so huge?

The spring replied from the gulf’s creek;
– I give you, without noise or glory,
What you lack, o vast sea!
A drop of water that one can drink.

Victor Hugo, April 1854