Qi Gong, Yoga and Biodanza at Kaï Papaï



Our previous workshop combined three beautifully complementary approaches to well-being. Yoga and Qi Gong both work to bring awareness and equanimity to one self, while Biodanza is a way of cultivating and sharing that peace of mind with others, leading to a sense of compassion and unity. The next one, which will be held at Kaï Papaï from 13 to 15 December, will be dedicated to Biodanza.


A therapeutic community experience with movement, music and dance at its core, Biodanza heps fully unlock one’s potential and express our innermost wish for unity by going out of our comfort zone and towards others. It is a means to overcome the experience of individualism by sharing this newfound freedom with a group, to give each other permission to feel all the happiness, enthusiasm and love for oneself and for others that we can express.

To find out more, clik here

Qi Gong

Qi Gong is an energy practice based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine that health is preserved when the « Qi », which means « vital breath », flows harmoniously throughout the body. During our November workshop, we practiced Qi Gong for the heart, a life organ that works without us even being aware of it. This Qi Gong helps preventing cardiovascular disorders by relaxing the heart and regulating blood flow. Our emotions often have an impact on our pathologies, so this practice will will act on the physical, psychological and emotional levels

To find out more, clik here